טקסטיל של חברת Baymed



By utilizing our sustainable innovative perspective, Baymed aims to provide innovative, protective, and dependable solutions that reduce costs and increase efficiency in the medical device sector, particularly disposable medical textile products that are required by the global health sector. Our strategic effort to achieve this goal is divided into four parts: patients, healthcare professionals, customers, and healthcare organizations.

sIt is critical to protect patients and health care workers from infections in health care settings, but it is not easy. However, disposable surgical gowns, surgical drapes, drape sets, and operating room accessories are known to play an important protective role in infection prevention. Disposable sterile surgical drapes prevent microorganisms from being transferred from the patient's skin. Impermeable materials keep the infection at bay, while effective fluid control keeps the work area dry. We provide a suitable environment for surgery by dressing the operating room team, covering the patient, and wrapping the instruments with the solutions we provide as Baymed. We are accountable for the lives of patients and healthcare workers.
